Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Heating source type in heat treatment industry of technical analysis

In recent 20 years, the domestic development and introduction of non-oxidizing heating furnace with advanced level, such as vacuum furnace, protective atmosphere furnace, controllable atmosphere furnace, ion nitride furnace and so on account of less than 20%, however, these advanced heating equipment due to management and operator quality is not high, did not give full play to the equipment due to the role.
Therefore, the technical transformation of heat treatment furnace is imperative. To promote new technology, develop new technology materials, training workers to improve the quality of the industry staff. The renovation of heat treatment process equipment is also quite heavy. It is equally important to renovate the traditional old heating equipment in service while promoting the use of new vacuum heating equipment and protective and controllable atmosphere heating equipment. Choosing practical and feasible schemes and technological transformation measures and spreading them can create considerable wealth for enterprises and the country.
Natural gas is the best energy. Rational choice of energy is the primary problem to be considered in energy saving of heat treatment equipment. Generally, heat treatment energy can be divided into electricity and fuel. The use of electricity or fuel, and the type of fuel used, depends on a combination of factors such as production costs, energy availability, ease of operation and control, reliability, the nature of the heat treatment process and its impact on the ecological environment.
Electric heating is clean, the temperature is easy to control, less auxiliary facilities, simple operation is its advantages. In theory, 70%~80% heat utilization rate can be obtained by heating with resistance furnace, but electricity is secondary energy. Considering the efficiency of generation, the comprehensive heat utilization rate of resistance furnace does not exceed 30%. The price of electricity is high, and so is the cost of production. Due to the development of science and technology and the increase of the proportion of hydropower and nuclear power, the price of electric energy in the world tends to decrease relatively. Therefore, the current trend in the world is still to increase the proportion of electric energy.
Fuel is cheaper than electricity, but its combustion process is more complicated, and fuel causes more environmental pollution than electricity. However, with the development of control technology, it is possible to control the temperature of gas and liquid fuel furnace accurately.
Natural gas is primary energy, heat treatment furnace in addition to direct combustion can obtain at least 30% of the thermal efficiency, flue gas waste heat can also be used to preheat combustion, with air, furnace heating, cleaning fluid and quenching oil heating and other domestic purposes, so that the absolute heat utilization rate can reach more than 80%. At present, advanced industrial countries have a considerable proportion of heat treatment fuel furnace.
According to the investigation, the proportion of fuel furnace used for heat treatment in Western European countries is 20%~30%, and 25.5% in The United States, while the fuel furnace in Japan mainly USES heavy oil, kerosene, liquefied gas and city gas, accounting for 61.4% in total.
In recent 10 years, there has been a great breakthrough in the exploration of natural gas in China. It will create very convenient gas conditions for heat treatment industry. The majority of enterprises should see this favorable prospect of heat treatment energy change and fully consider and utilize it in the technological transformation of heat treatment production and the updating of equipment.
Enterprises usually choose the furnace from process requirements, workpiece shape and size, and production batch. From the point of view of heat treatment energy utilization, the efficiency, sealing and shape of the furnace should be considered. When the workpiece batch, single variety, should use continuous furnace. Under the same furnace volume, the round (column) furnace is more energy-saving than the square furnace.
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