Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Methods to prevent transformer explosion

In the long-term use of a transformer is usually worried about a fault is the phenomenon of transformer explosion, the prevention of transformer explosion has become the top priority, in the realization of greater efficiency of the transformer at the same time, protection is not negligible, so what are the methods to prevent transformer explosion?
(1) the transformer cannot overload operation: if the transformer is overloaded for a long time, it will cause coil heating, gradually aging the insulation and causing short circuit;
(2) regular inspection of transformer insulation oil quality: transformer oil quality should be regularly tested, unqualified oil should be replaced in time, or take other measures;
(3) to prevent the aging damage of the insulation of the transformer core, and the insulation aging caused by the long-term heating of the core;
(4) to prevent the transformer from damaging the insulation due to careless maintenance. If the transformer is found to be damaged, it shall be dealt with in time;
(5) to ensure that the transformer leads are in good contact, resulting in local overheating due to bad contact;
(6) to prevent the transformer from lightning strike, the transformer will be destroyed due to breakdown of insulation;
(7) transformer short circuit protection: transformer coil or load short circuit, if the protection system failure or protection fixed value is too large, may burn the transformer. To this end, install reliable short circuit protection;
(8) protect the transformer from good grounding;
(9) transformer ventilation and cooling: if the transformer coil conductor is a class insulation, its insulation is mainly paper and cotton yarn. The insulation life will be reduced by about half when the temperature increases by 8℃. The transformer operates at a normal temperature below 90℃ and has a service life of about 20 years. If the temperature rises to 105 ° c, the life is 7 years. Transformer operation, to maintain good ventilation and cooling.
The above are the common steps and methods of transformer explosion prevention. According to the above expression standard, prevention can avoid the danger and loss caused by transformer explosion, ensure the effective operation of transformer, improve productivity and increase benefits for the company.
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