Wednesday, May 6, 2020

How to use automatic water softening equipment correctly?

If you want to use automatic softening water equipment better, it is necessary to regular maintenance and immediate maintenance, so as to make its life more extended. In order to use the automatic softening water equipment better, must do the daily maintenance and maintenance
Use and maintenance of salt shaker
The system is equipped with a soluble salt tank, its main function is to regenerate, the material is PVC or stainless steel, can also be other materials, in order to keep clean, should be regularly cleaned for long-term use.
Use and maintenance of softening tank
It is the key sealing equipment in softening water preparation process. It is made of stainless steel, fiberglass material, and contains a certain number of cation exchange resin, their main role is when the original water flow through the resin layer, the cation resin in the water displacement reaction, in order to reduce the calcium and magnesium ions in the water, can provide customers with standard industrial softening water.
When the exchange capacity of the resin is saturated with calcium and magnesium ions in the water after the automatic water softening equipment works for a period of time, the exchange capacity of the resin is restored by the regeneration treatment of the ion exchange resin with brine by the salt tank.
Choice of resin
The general principle of resin choice is to choose the resin with large exchange capacity, must choose the resin with high mechanical strength, uniform particles, good heat resistance, when choosing the resin used in the Yang bed, choose the wet true density difference is large, but must be the resin of strong acid type.
Pretreatment of new resin new resin contains excess raw materials and new impurities, when the resin and water, acid, alkali or other solutions contact, these impurities will enter the solution, which will contaminate the water quality and affect the performance and service life of the resin, so the new resin must be pretreatment before use.
The selection and pretreatment methods of new resins are determined according to different objects.
How to keep the ion exchange resin
1. Anti-freezing: the resin should be stored in the surrounding environment of > at 40℃. If the temperature is lower than 5℃, the resin can be placed in an aqueous solution of salt to prevent the resin from freezing.
2. Dryness prevention: due to the disappearance of water content in the use or storage of the resin, the volume of the resin swells and shrinks, resulting in resin breakage or mechanical strength reduction, loss or reduction of ion exchange capacity. When this happens, do not throw the resin directly into the water, but first soak it in saturated salt water, so that it slowly expand without breaking.
3. Anti-mold: ion exchange resin placed in the exchanger for a long time is not used, will cause lichen growth and reproduction ****** *, leading to mold pollution of the resin, must be regularly changed and backwash. It can also be soaked in 1.5% formaldehyde.
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