Tuesday, May 12, 2020

How to avoid heat exchanger clogging?

In order to avoid the blocking problem of heat exchanger, the following measures can be taken:
1) increase monitoring points. In the air separation unit variant, the settling centrifuge adds temperature measurement points to the inlet and outlet lines of each channel of each plate unit of the main heat exchanger.
2) clean the main heat exchanger. Clean the main heat exchanger while adding the auxiliary heat exchanger unit.
3) strengthen on-site maintenance and construction management of heat exchangers. Comprehensive process control needs to be implemented for major repairs. A blind plate must be added to the flange of the central tube of the heat exchanger before installing and unloading the molecular sieve. Special personnel shall be responsible for the key supervision, strictly implement the inspection and acceptance procedures of heat exchangers, and strictly control the maintenance quality. Further improve the process after the overhaul. Fully assess the potential hazards and hazards to the heat exchanger during the overhaul and make contingency plans to minimize the possibility of failure.
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